Wednesday 22 September 2010

Whats In Your Food? Poosible Brief

An interest of mine that I would like to become a more structured line of inquiry is on the topic of the origins of the food I eat. This is down to a few reasons, such as reading a few books in the holidays about health and eating, and also after watching a documentary which challenges the origins of food called food inc. So, Here's the idea.

Whats in Your food?
- Promotional campaign for the upcoming release of food inc. to DVD.

Food Inc is a documentary film about where modern day american food comes from, Directed by Robert Kenner. If this Documentary was promoted well enough in the UK, but also promoted in the right context, (Which will obviously differ due to this being England) it would gain the public awareness it sorely deserves.

[Reasons for choosing to write this brief/ percieved problems]

Iwould want to make British people, or more directly, people from Leeds question the origins of the food they eat. I'm not sure how much of a problem unknown food origins are in the UK because I am aware that there are alot of regulations and treaties in place protecting animal and plant welfare of the farms of those who supply to large chain supermarkets. Obviously this project would have to take a turn away form the supermarket, but could still question some areas of it, and also question other companies like the big M that is always seemingly in perriferal vision. I could possibly look at what goes into GM foods and the welfare of food being supplied to restaurants more specifically fast food places.

Also, one big problem ive forecasted for this:
I could get sued. It depends who I look into really and how much I would find out based on what I already know. Yeah, could be a potential shitstorm.

Rough idea for the brief

Create a campaign, raising awareness about the origins of food here in the UK. Campaign would also act as a promotional campaign for food inc. This could be in the form of:

  • Online campaign
  • Posters/flyers (print)
  • A publication
  • Motion Graphic - I probably wont go here.

So that is it so far. Im not sure about the longevity of the brief so I'm looking forward to talking it over in the brief writing sessions.

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