Monday 13 September 2010

Bonsai care package Brief

In the next few posts I will be elaborating on the briefs I have chosen to work on and why. With these briefs I aim to pinpoint where my strengths lie and use them to their full potential. So here is the first, I am doing the brief list in no particular order of preferance or anything else. Before I talk about the briefs I want to talk about the skills I want to use and what I want to persue throughout third year.

Refining my digital illustration and print skills into more realised products
Using type and layout
collating information and visualising it into design
Creating images using concepts which arent my own
Promoting myself and others using design

Brief Title - Bonsai Care Pack

The art of Bonsai is an ancient horticultural Art form. Bonsai tree literally translates into tree in a pot, but in order to successfully grow a bonsai tree into a valuable and beautiful miniature tree is much more challenging than this alone. There is a complex and specific way to do this, you need to design an all in one care guide that informs people interested in growing/ have begun growing a bonsai tree, and provide for them the means to do so.

Design an informative pack or guide specifically the horticultural art of bonsai in response to information gathered about Bonsai Care.
This project should be completed with a body of research and supporting work which shows your line of inquiry into the subject.

Considerations                                                          Deliverables
What tools and equipment is needed                          1 Bonsai Care pack/ care kit and a body
to care for a Bonsai tree?                                           and a body of supporting research and
What format could the guide take?
e.g. Motion graphic, packaging etc.

Who are the target audience and
What is the tone of voice?

With this brief I have pinpointed a problem within Bonsai growing, which is that you cant find a pack like this anywhere, and if there is a pack like this, it is not easy to find! I think this will make for an interesting packaging/ publication project.

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