Monday 13 September 2010

Submission based Zine

This will not be a main brief and is more of a supplementary brief, seen as how the dealine for the entry is in May, there is not rush here, and it is only 1 or 2 illustrations. But the point is, I want to make the things i submit really good because this zine is a great oppertunity to showcase my work.

The Brief
Submit an entry for zine: Designer Violence, this season's topic being - smut...? it is optional to submit more than one entry. The more entries submitted, the greater the chance of having work showcased.

1 or more illustrative entries

Tone of voice?

As I said before this is just a mini brief, but there are a few mini briefs that I want to complete during this term, such as the zine ben has set up and submitting t shirt designs for the two website found in my research last year.

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